Entries by gravitate

What Is API Integration?

Are you running a successful business but still feeling out of the loop when it comes to technology trends? With new advancements in various fields, such as mobile app development and online payments, businesses must keep up or risk getting left behind. One way to ensure your business is at the forefront of these advancements […]

About IP Address Management (IPAM)

Properly monitoring and organizing IPv6 addresses is crucial for ensuring dependable network functions in any business. Luckily, there are some tools available that make IP workspace management less complex and easier to maintain efficiently. What is IP Address Management and how does it work? IP Address Management (IPAM) is an integrated suite of tools to […]

Lumics & PagerDuty API

What is Pager Duty? PagerDuty is a renowned cloud-computing company located in San Francisco, operating also in Toronto, Atlanta, the United Kingdom, and Australia. They specialize in providing an incident response platform for IT departments that allows users to get timely alerts about potential disruptions or outages. This can be used as a standalone service […]

What Is Netflow Protocol?

A NetFlow protocol is a network monitoring tool that allows businesses to see which applications are using the most bandwidth, where traffic is coming from and going to, and overall network performance. This data can be used to troubleshoot network issues, optimize traffic flow, and more. Keep reading to learn more about NetFlow protocol and […]

What Is IPAM (IP Address Management)?

If you manage a business network, then you know how important it is to keep track of all the IP addresses in use. This can be a daunting task, especially as your network grows. That’s where IPAM (IP Address Management) comes in. IPAM provides a centralized way to view and manage all the IP addresses […]

Reliable Network Monitoring Solutions

Your business consists of numerous moving parts, all of which need to be functioning at their best for you to efficiently get the job done. From event monitoring to Internet speeds and security threats, you need tools to keep everything on track and catch problems before they get out of control. Why Network Monitoring is […]

Apache Log4j Vulnerability & Lumics

Lumics does not utilize Apache and therefore is not impacted by this vulnerability. Lumics reviews all vulnerabilities that may impact its front end or underlying infrastructure and maintains a secure environment.